Feel welcome to visit anytime. Whether you just want to check us out or are looking for a church home, we’d love to have you as our guest. Below you can learn about what to expect if you visit, as well as answers to some frequently asked questions. Please contact us with any other questions you might have as well.
When and where does everything begin?
Please check the times for Bible Study, Sunday School and Worship
Services at the top of our website. We will also keep you abreast of
any special services in that area of the website.
Where should I park?
Park anywhere in our newly paved parking lot.
What do the kids do during worship?
Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me.” We love children and encourage their worship. We strive to keep the family unit together even during worship. Our worship is structured to allow families of all ages to connect with each other around Jesus. We believe this family togetherness is very important for all members of the family and that children are served well to see (and someday follow the example of) their parents in worship. Please don’t feel embarrassed if your child is restless during the service. You are among caring people who have been there and understand.
What does your church teach/believe?
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We are not concerned with your attire. Some of our worshipers dress more formally out of reverence for God. Others dress more casually. There is a wide-enough range so that you will not seem out of place however you’re dressed.
What happens during worship?
Worship lasts approximately one hour. The pastor begins by welcoming everyone and introduces the theme for worship. When worshipers arrive, they are handed a worship folder. This folder contains everything that the worshiper needs to follow along or participate in worship. Throughout worship, there are responsive readings, hymns, and prayers. You are welcome to participate in any, all, or none of these things. About halfway through worship. there is a 15-20 minute sermon that specifically applies a reading from the Bible to the worshipper’s lives. This message seeks to be relevant, honest, and inspiring. After worship, pastor makes a few announcements about what is going on in the church’s life, and then worshippers are ushered out and have the opportunity to greet the pastor and each other on their way out.
What about an offering?
After the sermon, an offering is collected from the worshippers. Our members have joined together to do God’s work of sharing the Gospel in the Verde Valley and around the world. They expect this opportunity to give back to the Lord a portion of what he first gave them in order to do this work. After the sermon, offering baskets are passed around the church so that members can place their prepared offerings in them. Please do not feel obligated to give an offering, but know that you are welcome to do so if you desire.
What happens after worship?
As worshipers exit the church after worship, they are welcome to stick around for socializing inside or outside our worship area. An assortment of snacks and refreshments are available for those who would like them. Many worshipers stay for about 15-20 minutes to visit with each other, but you are welcome to take off right away after worship or stay for as long as you’d like.
Should I come up for communion?
We celebrate Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper) toward the end of worship every second Sunday of the month. Because the Bible teaches that Communion is for believers who share a common faith, please contact the pastor before communing for the first time. We commune group by group toward the front of the church. If you are visiting, you are welcome to simply remain where you are while the ushers guide those who are communing toward the front.
Do you have facilities and tools to assist those with special needs?
Large print copies of the worship folder and hymns are available from the ushers. Almost every area in the worship facility and fellowship area is handicap accessible and there are several places to sit with a wheelchair. Please speak with an usher if there is something else that requires assistance.